About us

Welcome to Local 17 Rate My Supervisor, the premier online platform for AFGE Local 17 members to provide anonymous feedback and ratings about their supervisors. Our website was created by the AFGE Local 17 union at the Department of Veterans Affairs to help our members share their experiences and opinions about their supervisors.

Our goal is to provide a safe and confidential space for AFGE Local 17 members to express their thoughts and feelings about their supervisors, and to help improve the workplace for everyone. By sharing your experiences with others, you can help identify both the strengths and weaknesses of your supervisors and help to create a more supportive and effective work environment.

Our website is only accessible to AFGE Local 17 members, and we encourage anyone who is not yet a member to join the union to take advantage of this valuable service. If you’re interested in joining Local 17, please visit the following page: https://www.afge.org/member-benefits/join/.

At AFGE Local 17, we believe that the success of any organization depends on the quality of its leadership. By providing honest and constructive feedback about your supervisors, you can help to ensure that Local 17 continues to be a strong and effective union for its members.

Thank you for visiting Local 17 Rate My Supervisor. We look forward to hearing your feedback and helping to create a better workplace for everyone.

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